Port Douglas Yacht Club is an incorporated association formed for the objectives defined in its Rules and Articles of Association.
Any person of good repute who voluntarily professes an interest in yachting and who undertakes to be bound by the terms of the Rules shall be eligible to become a member.
Membership process for pending new members
Membership applications are available at the club.
To be nominated as a member you must be nominated and seconded by a financial member of the club.
All appropriate fees must be paid in full with the application.
Your membership application must go to the management committee for final approval.
The management committee meets on the third Thursday of each month.
Depending on the date of application, formal approval of your membership can take up to 4 weeks.
Once the approval process is complete, you will ne notified of the final outcome.
Membership benefits do not apply until the approval process is complete.
Various membership options are available
(2022- 2023 Season)
Individuals 18 yrs and over
Voting rights
Key rights
Access to all facilities
Race participation
Race insurance
Bar and kitchen discounts
Membership applications are available at the club and must be nominated and seconded by a financial member of the club.
A $50 nomination fee applies to all applications.

(2022 - 2023 Season)
Persons eligible for ordinary membership who are members of the same immediate family (spouse and/or children under 18 years only)
Voting rights
Key rights
Access to all facilities
Race participation
Race insurance
Bar and kitchen discounts
Membership applications are available at the club and must be nominated and seconded by a financial member of the club.
A $50 nomination fee applies to all applications.
SailPass is a free introductory short-term daily club membership, which has been developed in part to ensure there is a way for non-members or casual sailors to go racing in compliance with RRS rule changes effective from January 1, 2022.
Temporary SailPass membership has no voting rights, no key rights, does not include access to all facilities and has no entitlement to kitchen or bar discounts.